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Types of subsurface mining

Dec. 04, 2023

What is surface mining ?

Underground mining is a method of mineral extraction, which is characterized by going deep underground through underground passages, shafts, etc. to extract valuable ores, mines, coal mines or other underground resources. This mining method is typically used for minerals that are not directly accessible or uneconomical to mine from the surface.
The underground mining process includes the following general steps:
Entering the underground: Personnel and equipment enter underground ore bodies through shafts, ramps or tunnels.
Excavation: For excavation in underground ore bodies, different mining methods can be used, such as lump mining, longwall mining, pillar method, etc. The specific choice depends on the nature and depth of the ore body.
Support: In order to prevent the collapse of the ore body, support work is required. This may involve providing pillars, supports, mine wall supports, etc. The specific support method will also depend on the mining method used.
Transportation: Transporting the mined ore, minerals or other resources to underground equipment or underground equipment through underground passages, and then to the surface through shafts or ramps.
Processing: Ore obtained from underground mining usually requires processing, including crushing, classification, flotation and other steps to extract valuable minerals.
Drainage: Underground ore bodies often require drainage to prevent water from flooding into the mining area. This can be done through wells and other drainage equipment.
The advantages of underground mining over open-pit mining include the ability to mine deep deposits, less impact on the environment, and protection of the natural landscape on the surface. However, underground mining also faces some challenges, such as safety issues, higher costs, and higher technical requirements.

Types of subsurface mining 

Underground mining is the process of extracting minerals deep underground. Underground mining can be divided into several types, depending on the type of ore and mining method. Here are some common types of underground mining: Room and Pillar Mining: This is a common underground coal mining method. The ore body is divided into interlocking chambers and pillars, which support the ground and prevent collapse. This method is typically used to mine shallower coal mines.
Longwall Mining: This is a highly productive coal mining method. In this method, long mine walls are fully mined and supports are placed behind the walls to allow rapid collapse of the ore body. Longwall mining is commonly used in deep coal mines.
Cut and Fill Mining: This method involves excavating a series of horizontal cuts in the ore body and then backfilling waste ore or other fill material into the excavated space to form a solid support. This method is commonly used in the mining of metal ores.
Surface Mining vs. Ramp Mining: Although these two methods are typically performed at the surface, in some cases they may involve underground operations. For example, an open pit mine may transition to underground mining after digging to a certain depth, or use ramps to extract ore from an underground ore body. Shaft Mining: This method uses shafts (deep shafts) as the primary access to underground ore bodies. Underground equipment and personnel enter and exit through these shafts. This method is typically used for deeper deposits, such as metal deposits.
Subsidence Mining (Sublevel Stoping): This is a method of mining metal ore deposits by blasting at deeper horizontal levels, gradually lowering the ore to lower horizontal levels, and then transporting it to the surface through shafts.
These are some common types of underground mining, and each type has applicable scenarios and advantages. The selection of an appropriate mining method often depends on the depth, shape, and hardness of the ore body, as well as environmental and economic factors.



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