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Introduce the twin boom underground drilling jumbo

Dec. 07, 2023

Underground twin boom underground drilling jumbo may refer to a kind of rig specially used for rock drilling operations in underground mines, with a double-arm structure. This equipment is usually designed to operate in narrow mine passages to Carry out rock drilling, blasting or excavation work. 

Here are some features that may be associated with a double arm rock drilling rig for underground mines.
Double arm structure: The trolley is equipped with two telescopic, rotating or adjustable arms, which makes drilling operations in different directions and depths more flexible.
Rock drilling equipment: The rig is usually equipped with rock drilling equipment, which can be a hammer drill, a hydraulic drill, or other rock drilling tools suitable for underground environments. 
Control system: To ensure safe and precise operation in tight underground spaces, such trolleys may be equipped with advanced control systems, including remote control and automation functions. 
Safety functions: Due to the complexity of the underground mining environment, double-arm rock drilling rigs usually have a variety of safety functions, such as collision avoidance systems, explosion-proof equipment, etc., to ensure the safety of workers.
Adaptability: This type of trolley needs to adapt to the underground environment, including factors such as the height, width and curvature of the mine passage.
Efficiency and Productivity: A good double-arm rock drilling rig should be able to improve the efficiency and productivity of rock drilling operations and ensure timely completion of rock drilling and excavation of ore. 
The design and functionality of a specific underground mine boom drill rig may vary depending on the manufacturer, mine type, and specific engineering needs. The use of this equipment facilitates efficient and safe rock drilling operations in underground mining environments



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