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How To Select scaling jumbo

Jun. 13, 2023

Selecting a scaling jumbo for underground mining involves considering various factors to ensure that the equipment meets the specific needs and conditions of the mining operation. A scaling jumbo is used to remove loose rock from the roofs and walls of underground tunnels and shafts to enhance safety and maintain stability. Here are some key considerations when selecting a scaling jumbo: 
Type of Rock and Geology: 
Consider the hardness, abrasiveness, and type of rock in the underground environment. Different scaling jumbos may be better suited for specific rock conditions.
Size and Configuration: 
Choose a scaling jumbo with the right size and configuration to navigate the dimensions of the underground tunnels and shafts. It should be compact enough to operate efficiently in confined spaces.
Reach and Coverage: 
Evaluate the reach and coverage of the scaling jumbo. Ensure it can effectively scale the walls and roof of the underground workings without leaving areas untouched.
Productivity and Efficiency: 
Assess the productivity and efficiency of the scaling jumbo. Look for features such as fast drilling and scaling cycles, easy maneuverability, and quick repositioning capabilities.
Safety Features: 
Prioritize safety features such as operator protection systems, emergency stop mechanisms, and ergonomic design to enhance the safety of the scaling jumbo operation.
Power Source: 
Choose between electric and diesel-powered scaling jumbos based on the specific requirements of the mining operation. Consider factors such as ventilation constraints and environmental regulations.

Automation and Technology: 
Explore the availability of automation features and advanced technology. Some scaling jumbos may come equipped with automated drilling systems, remote control capabilities, and data monitoring for improved efficiency and safety.
Maintenance and Serviceability: 
Consider the ease of maintenance and serviceability of the scaling jumbo. Choose a model with accessible components and good support from the manufacturer to minimize downtime.
Cost and Budget: 
Evaluate the overall cost of the scaling jumbo, including initial purchase, operating costs, and maintenance. Balance the features and capabilities with the budget constraints of the mining project.Manufacturer Reputation: 
Choose a scaling jumbo from a reputable manufacturer with a track record of producing reliable and durable equipment. Check customer reviews and references to assess the performance of the equipment in real-world applications.



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