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How to maintain underground mining truck ?

Aug. 09, 2024

How to maintain underground mining vehicles?

The methods of maintaining underground mining vehicles include regular replacement of lubricating oil, cleaning and inspection of the outer shell, inspection of the gear state, prohibition of running without the outer shell, and timely replacement of damaged gears.

Regular replacement of lubricating oil: Lubricating oil plays a vital role in maintenance. It is recommended to choose high-load gear oil suitable for gear transmission devices and replace the lubricating oil at least once a month. When replacing the lubricating oil, make sure to clean the outer shell and remove dirt and impurities to maintain the normal lubrication state of the gear transmission and reduce wear and friction.

Cleaning and inspection of the outer shell: Regular cleaning of the outer shell of the gear transmission is one of the important steps in maintenance. During the cleaning process, special attention should be paid to the sealing of the joint of the two halves of the outer shell to ensure that the outer shell is tightly combined to prevent the intrusion of dirt, dust and impurities. Cleaning the outer shell not only prevents the influence of external pollutants on the gear, but also helps to check whether the outer shell has cracks, deformation and other damage.

Gear state inspection: Regular inspection of the state of the gear is an important part of ensuring the normal operation of the gear transmission. ‌Pay attention to observe whether the gears are damaged, worn, corroded, etc. ‌If any abnormality is found in the gears, timely measures should be taken to repair or replace them to avoid further damage and accidents. ‌Operation without a housing is prohibited: Under no circumstances is it allowed to operate the gear transmission device without installing a housing. ‌The existence of the housing can not only protect the gears from external contamination, but also prevent accidental injuries and accidents. ‌Replace damaged gears in time: If the gears are found to be damaged, they should be replaced immediately. ‌Using damaged gears will increase the wear of other parts, reduce the working efficiency of the locomotive, and may even cause more serious failures. ‌Therefore, once the gears are found to be damaged, repair or replacement measures should be taken immediately. ‌



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