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How to maintain rock underground drilling rigs and their advantages

May. 11, 2021

1. The method for maintaining the underground drilling rig jumbo includes the following steps:
1. 1Check the engine oil level. if the oil quantity is insufficient, press the oil gauge.
1.2. Check the oil level of the diesel tank.
1.3. Check the oil level and water intake of the hydraulic tank, and release water at the bottom of the tank.
1.4. Check the tire pressure and wear condition, and check the fastening condition of the rim bolts and nuts.
1.5. Check the diesel engine air cleaner (wet filter: check the oil quantity and dirt degree of the oil basin; dry filter: check the filter element).
1.6. Check the height of the battery liquid level and the tightening and corrosion degree of the pole column.
1.7. Check the fastening condition and working performance of the starting motor.
1.8. Check whether the power generation situation of the generator is normal, and whether the battery is charged normally.
1.9. Check whether the bolts are loose and whether the hydraulic system has oil leakage and oil seepage.
1.10. Check the lubrication of each lubrication system and add butter on time.
1.11. Check whether the engine fan belt, all instruments and lighting lights are in good condition. 

2. The underground drill rig jumbo has the following advantages:
2.1. Fast drilling speed: it can achieve porous simultaneous propulsion, porous at a time, greatly reducing the drilling time.
2.2. Shorten the non-drilling time: the drill pipe positioning is fast and accurate, and it does not need the construction of the work auxiliary platform, saving the non-drilling time and improving the efficiency.
2.3. Safety and construction environment: the operators are far away from the palm surface, and reduce the number of workers on the working surface. All the operations are completed by mechanical equipment, which greatly reduces the probability of accidents. At the same time, the drilling rig jumbo adopts closed oil road system, high safety. The operator operates in the cab, which has a sound insulation effect and improves the environmental conditions of the operator.
2.4. Construction quality: Once the drill pipe is positioned, the propulsion of the drill pipe is promoted by the horizontal or fixed inclination, which greatly improves the drilling quality, especially suitable for smooth blasting under section control.
2.5. Flexible: The drilling bench adopts crawler walking mode, which can work on the 28 slope. 

3. Please note that when using the underground jumbo, the relevant operating procedures should be strictly observed to ensure safety. The use of rock truck also needs to pay attention to the following points:
3.1. Operators must undergo professional training and be familiar with the operation methods and safety procedures of rock drilling trolley.
3.2. Before use, check whether the parts of the drilling rig jumbo are in good condition, and whether the drill pipe, propeller and operating mechanism are flexible and reliable.
3.3. In the process of driving, we should pay attention to control the speed, avoid sharp braking and sharp turning, so as to avoid damage to the equipment.
3.4. In the process of drilling, a stable propulsion speed should be maintained to avoid too fast or too slow, so as not to affect the quality of drilling.
3.5. After use, the equipment should be cleaned in time, check the wear of each part, and repair and replace it in time.
4. Conclusion
In short, the rock drilling trolley is an efficient, safe and flexible drilling equipment, which can greatly improve the efficiency and quality of drilling work, and reduce the labor intensity of workers and the probability of accidents. In the process of use, to strictly abide by the operating procedures, pay attention to safety and equipment maintenance, to ensure its long-term and stable working performance.



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