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How to maintain hydraulic tunnel drilling rig

Aug. 18, 2020

The care and maintenance of hydraulic tunnel drilling rigs include the following aspects:
Routine maintenance:
1. Equipment cleaning: Clean the appearance of the deep hole hydraulic drilling rig, and regularly clean the dust and impurities inside it. Pay special attention to the hydraulic system of the equipment and keep it clean to avoid foreign matter entering the system and causing failure.
2. Check the condition of hydraulic oil and lubricating oil: Regularly check the oil level and quality of the hydraulic system and lubrication system, add or replace lubricating oil and hydraulic oil in time, and clean the oil tank to ensure the cleanliness of the oil.
3. Check the seals of the hydraulic system: Check the seals of the hydraulic system regularly. If the seals are found to be damaged or aged, they should be replaced in time to ensure the normal operation of the hydraulic system.
4. Check the electrical system of the equipment: Regularly check the electrical system of the equipment, including wires, connectors, etc., to ensure the normal operation of the electrical system and to discover and eliminate potential faults in advance.
5. Check the cooling system: Regularly check the cooling system of the equipment, including radiator, coolant, etc., to maintain the normal operation of the cooling system and avoid accidents caused by overheating of the equipment.
Regular maintenance:
1. Hydraulic system maintenance: Regularly replace the filter and hydraulic oil of the hydraulic system, clean the hydraulic oil tank, and ensure the cleanliness and lubrication performance of the hydraulic oil. At the same time, regularly check the working status of hydraulic pumps, hydraulic cylinders and other hydraulic components, and repair or replace damaged parts in a timely manner.
2. Crankcase and gearbox maintenance: Change the lubricating oil of the crankcase and gearbox regularly and keep the oil level normal. Also, clean the crankcase and gearbox filters and coolers to ensure they are working properly.
3. Drilling tool maintenance: Regularly check the wear of drilling tools, and replace damaged drill pipes, drill bits, etc. in a timely manner. During use, pay attention to keeping the drilling tools clean to avoid excessive wear and tear.
4. Hydraulic pipeline maintenance: Check the connectors of the hydraulic pipeline regularly to ensure tightness. At the same time, check the wear and tear of hydraulic pipelines and replace aging or damaged pipelines in time.
5. Electrical system maintenance: Regularly check the wires, switches, etc. of the electrical system, and replace aging or damaged parts in a timely manner. At the same time, pay attention to keeping the electrical system clean to avoid dust or foreign matter from entering and causing malfunctions.
6. Check the fasteners of the drilling rig: Check the fasteners of the drilling rig regularly to ensure their tightness, and replace damaged and loose fasteners in a timely manner.
7. Safety equipment maintenance and upkeep: Regularly check the safety equipment of the drilling rig, such as limit switches, explosion-proof valves, etc.



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