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What is a Multi-purpose Vehicle

Sep. 20, 2022

What is a Multi-purpose Vehicle

The underground multifunctional service vehicle is a trackless equipment designed to be used in underground mines to produce safe, efficient and intelligent equipment. It is usually manufactured by a professional mining trackless equipment R&D and manufacturing company. An underground multi-purpose service vehicle is a vehicle capable of providing a variety of services in underground mines. It has the following characteristics:
1). Efficiency: This vehicle can quickly complete various tasks, such as shoveling, transportation, assistance, etc., thereby improving the production efficiency of underground mines.
2). Multifunctionality: Underground multifunctional service vehicles can adapt to a variety of underground mine working environments and provide a variety of service functions, such as shoveling, transportation, support, etc.
3). Safety: This vehicle has safe and reliable driving performance, can drive safely in underground mines, and provide safe and reliable services.
4). Intelligence: The underground multi-functional service vehicle is equipped with advanced control systems and monitoring systems, which can realize intelligent operation and control and improve work efficiency and safety.
5). Environmental protection: This vehicle has good environmental performance and can effectively reduce the impact of underground mines on the environment.
The functions of underground multi-purpose service vehicles vary depending on the specific model and configuration. Here are some common functions:
1). Rescue function: In underground accidents, multi-functional service vehicles can quickly arrive at the scene for rescue, including but not limited to search and rescue of trapped persons, emergency medical assistance, dangerous goods disposal, etc.
2). Lighting function: Multifunctional service vehicles are usually equipped with high-power lighting, which can provide lighting in dark underground environments to facilitate personnel movement and equipment operation.
3). Ventilation function: The underground environment is usually closed and poorly ventilated. Multifunctional service vehicles can carry ventilation equipment, such as fans, air purifiers, etc., to improve the air quality of the underground environment.
4). Transportation function: Multi-functional service vehicles can transport personnel, materials and equipment to meet the needs of underground work.
5). Communication function: Multi-function service vehicles are usually equipped with wireless communication equipment, which can communicate with the outside world and obtain information and support in a timely manner.
6). Detection function: The multi-functional service vehicle can carry underground detection equipment, such as radar, sonar, etc., to detect the underground environment and obtain information such as terrain and obstacles.
7). Drainage function: During underground work, you may encounter groundwater leakage and other situations. The multi-function service vehicle can carry drainage equipment, such as water pumps, etc., to remove accumulated water in a timely manner.
8). Maintenance function: The multi-functional service vehicle can carry maintenance tools and spare parts to repair and maintain underground equipment.



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